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2017年06月13日 10:14  点击:[]















长期开展动植物关系的野外科学研究,重点关注动物贮食行为对植物种子扩散和幼苗更新的影响及全球变化对动植物互作关系的影响。首次观察到夜行鼠类的切胚贮食行为,结合无线电和稳定同位素标记等先进的追踪技术,研究贮食鸟类和鼠类对森林天然更新的影响,阐明了森林鼠类对林隙更新的不同效应,揭示了鼠类捕食和分散贮藏对植物幼苗更新的影响机制。在Plant EcologyNew ForestsForest Ecology and ManagementEcology and EvolutionScientific ReportsBehavioural Processes等国际期刊发表学术论文十余篇。


2007.09-2011.07 河南科技大学生物科学专业本科,获理学学士学位;

2011.09-2014.06 河南科技大学生态学专业硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;

2014.09-2017.06 甘肃农业大学生态学专业博士研究生,获理学博士学位。


2017年至今 河南科技大学教师,生物科学专业讲师;

2021年至今 河南大学访问学者。







1. Zhang Mingming, Yi Xianfeng*. Seedling recruitment in response to artificial gaps: predicting the ecological consequence of forest disturbance. Plant ecology, 2021, 222(1): 81-92.

2. Yang Yueqin, Zhang Mingming, Yi Xianfeng*. The effects of masting on rodent-mediated seed dispersal interaction of sympatric tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, 446: 126-134.

3. Yi Xianfeng*, Yang Yueqin, Zhang Mingming. Cache placement near nests by a multiple-prey loader, the Siberian chipmunk. Animal Behaviour, 2019, 155: 1-8.

4. Yi Xianfeng*, Ju Mengyao, Yang Yueqin, Zhang Mingming. Scatter-hoarding and cache pilfering of rodents in response to seed abundance. Ethology, 2019, 125(7): 492-499.

5. Zhang Mingming, Wang Zhenyu, Liu Xuelu, Yi Xianfeng*. Seedling predation of Quercus mongolica by small rodents in response to forest gaps. New Forests, 2017, 48(1): 83-94.

6. Yang Yueqin#, Zhang Mingming#, Yi Xianfeng*. Small rodents trading off forest gaps for scatter-hoarding differs between seed species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 379: 226-231.

7. Yi Xianfeng, Li Jia, Zhang Mingming, Wang Zhenyu. Short-term acute nitrogen deposition alters the interaction between Korean pine seeds and food hoarding rodents. Forest Ecology and Management, 2016, 367: 80-85.

8. Yi Xianfeng, Wang Zhenyu, Liu Changqu, Liu Guoqiang, Zhang Mingming. Acorn cotyledons are larger than their seedlings' need: evidence from artificial cutting experiments. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 8112.

9. Zhang Mingming, Dong Zhong, Yi Xianfeng*, Bartlow Andrew W. Acorns containing deeper plumule survive better: how white oaks counter embryo excision by rodents. Ecology and Evolution, 2014, 4(1): 59-66.

10. Yi Xianfeng*, Zhang Mingming, Bartlow Andrew W., Dong Zhong. Incorporating cache management behavior into seed dispersal: the effect of pericarp removal on acorn germination. Plos One, 2014, 9(8): 0-e104726.

11. Yi Xianfeng*, Liu Guoqiang, Zhang Mingming, Dong Zhong, Yang Yueqin. A new approach for tracking seed dispersal of large plants: soaking seeds with 15 N-urea. Annals of Forest Science, 2014, 71(1): 43-49.

12. Zhang Mingming, Steele Michael A., Yi Xianfeng*. Reconsidering the effects of tannin on seed dispersal by rodents: Evidence from enclosure and field experiments with artificial seeds. Behavioural Processes, 2013, 100: 200-207.

13. Zhang Mingming, Shen Zhen, Liu Guoqiang, Yi Xianfeng*. Seed caching and cache pilferage by three rodent species in a temperate forest in the Xiaoxinganling Mountains. Zoological Research, 2013, 34(E1) :E13-18.

14. 申圳,董钟,曹令立,张明明,刘国强,易现峰*. 同种或异种干扰对花鼠分散贮藏点选择的影响, 生态学报, 2012, (23): 7264-7269.


1.参与出版:张知彬 主编. 森林生态系统鼠类与植物种子关系研究:探索对抗者之间合作的秘密. 北京:科学出版社2019年.





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