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2017年07月04日 18:27  点击:[]










wangxl@haust.edu.cn; wxling02@163.com



王晓凌,男,1975年10月出生,河南淇县人。教授,博士生导师;生态学博士,生态学博士后,美国康涅狄格大学访问学者;河南省科技创新人才杰出青年,河南省高层次人才(C类),洛阳市优秀专家,洛阳市拔尖人才。从事生态学的教学科研工作。已先后发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,以第一作者发表SCI-Top期刊论文7篇, 出版教材(专著)四部。先后主持和完成国家自然科学基金、河南省科技创杰出青年基金、中国博士后科学研究基金等各类基金项目10余项, 曾获得河南省科技进步奖、河南省教育厅科技成果奖。










2)半干旱黄土高原地区土壤干燥化苜蓿草地的优化利用技术2013年度河南省教育厅科技成果壹等奖(豫教[2013]04078号) (王晓凌第一



1) 根叶互作诱导的细胞分裂素对多花黑麦草持续性再生的调控机制(U1304326),2014年-2016年,国家自然科学基金,30万元,项目主持人。

2) 根源细胞分裂素对旱后复水玉米补偿性生长的调控机制(2017JQ0004),2017年-2019年,河南省科技创新人才杰出青年支持计划,30万元,项目主持人。

3) 母体碳水化合物调控下的茎叶与根系协调机制对黑麦草去叶再生的影响(201003183), 2010年-2013年, 中国博士后科学研究基金 特别资助, 10万元,项目主持人。

4) 机械受伤信号诱导生长激素、贮存糖对黑麦草割后再生的影响(20090450619), 2009年-2013年,中国博士后科学研究基金 二等资助, 3万元,项目主持人。

5) 根系与茎叶协调生长机制对玉米旱后复水的补偿性生长机制研究(2011A180012), 2011年-2013年,河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目, 1万元, 项目主持人。

6) 根源细胞分裂素对去叶黑麦草耐牧性的调控机制(2012ZCX007),2012年-2015年,河南科技大学自然科学领域创新能力培育基金,3万元,项目主持人。

7) 玉米种群不同植株生长差异对水分利用影响研究(08QN030), 2008年-2012年,河南科技大学青年科学研究基金项目, 0.8万元, 项目主持人。

8) 牧草、乡土草种群生殖对策及其对干扰的响应2007CB108904-4,国家973项目子课题,100万元,主要参与者,第三。


) Xiao-Ling Wang, Run-Hong Sun, Di Wu, Lin Qi, Yu-Hua Liu, Jiang Shi, Xue-Lin Lia, Peng Song, Li-Xia Zhang. 2021. Increasing corn compensatory growth upon post-drought rewatering using ammonia-oxidising bacterial strain inoculation. Agricultural Water Management, 256, 107066. (JCR, )

2) Xiao-Ling Wang, Pei-Ling Duan, Shen-Jiao Yang, Yu-Hua Liu, Lin Qi, Jiang Shi, Xue-Lin Lia, Peng Song, Li-Xia Zhang. 2020. Corn compensatory growth upon post-drought rewatering based on the effects of rhizosphere soil nitrification on cytokinin. Agricultural Water Management, 241, 106436. (JCR, )

3) Xiao-Ling Wang, Rong-Rong Qin, Run-Hong Sun, Jing-Jing Wang, Xiao-Gai Hou, Lin Qi, Jiang Shi, Xue-Lin Li, You-Fu Zhang, Pu-Hui Dong, Li-Xia Zhang, De-Hua Qin. 2018. No post-drought compensatory growth of corns with root cutting based on cytokinin induced by roots. Agricultural Water Management, 205, 9–20. (JCR, )

4) Xiao-Ling Wang, Jing-Jing Wang, Run-Hong Sun, Xiao-Gai Hong, Wei Zhao, Jiang Shi, You-Fu Zhang, Lin Qi, 2016. Correlation of the corn compensatory growth mechanism after post-drought rewatering with cytokinin induced by root nitrate absorption. Agricultural Water Management, 166, 77–85. (JCR, )

5) Xiao-Ling Wang, Yu Jia, Xiao-Gang Li, Rui-Jun Long, Qi-Fu Ma, Feng-Min Li, Ya-Jie Song, 2009. Effects of land use on soil total and light fraction organic, and microbial biomass C and N in a semi-arid ecosystem of northwest China. Geodema, 153,285–290. (JCR, )

6) Xiao-Ling Wang, Guo-Jun Sun, Feng-Min Li, Yu Jia, 2008. Crop yield and soil water restoration on 9-year-old alfalfa pasture in the semiarid Loess Plateau of ChinaAgricultural Water Management, 95, 190–198. (JCR, )

7) Xiao-Ling Wang, Feng-Min Li, Yu Jia, Wen-Quan Shi. 2005. Increasing potato yields with additional water and increased soil temperature. Agricultural Water Management, 78(3):181–194. (JCR, )

8) Xiao-Ling Wang, Rong-Rong Qin, Run-Hong Sun, Xiao-Gai Hou, Lin Qi, Jiang Shi. 2018. Effects of plant population density and root induced cytokinin on the corn compensatory growth during post-drought rewatering. Plos One, 13(6): e0198878. (JCR, 三区)

9) Xiao-Ling Wang, Dan LiuZhen-Qing Li, 2012. Effects of the coordination mechanism between roots and leaves induced by root-breaking and exogenous cytokinin spraying on the grazing tolerance of ryegrass. Journal of Plant Research125, 407–416. (JCR, 三区)

10) Xiao-Ling Wang, Xiao-Lin Guo, 2013. Correlation of continuous ryegrass regrowth with cytokinin induced by root nitrate absorption, Journal of Plant Research, 126, 685-697. (JCR, 三区)

11) Xiao-Ling Wang, Xiao-Lin Guo. 2014. Effects of leaf zeatin riboside induced by different cutting heights on the regrowth capacity of ryegrass. Ecological research, 29, 167–180. (JCR, 四区)

12) Rong-Rong Qin, Xiao-Ling Wang. 2020. Effects of crown height on the compensatory growth of Italian ryegrass based on combined effects of stored organic matter and cytokinin. Grassland Science66, 29-39. (JCR, 四区)

13) Xiao-Ling Wang1, Pei-Ling Duan, Run-Hong Sun, Lin Qi, Jiang Shi, Xue-Lin Li, Li-Xia Zhang. 2020. Effects of Soil Nitrification on Compensatory Growth upon Post-Drought Rewatering of Corns Based on Cytokinin. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 23: 882–888. (JCR, 四区)

14) Ya-Dan Guo, Xiao-Ling Wang, Lin Qi, Jiang Shi, Yu-Hua Liu, Xue-Lin Li, Li-Xia Zhang, De-Hua Qin, Peng Song. 2021. Effects of rhizosphere soil nitrification on the compensatory growth of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) based on root-produced cytokinin. Grassland ScienceEarly Review. (JCR, 四区)

15) Xiao-Ling Wang, Ming-Can Chen, Xian-Feng Yi, Guo-Zhan Fu, Effects of ridge width and planting density on corn yields in rainwater-harvesting system with plastic film mulching on ridge. Transactions of the CSAE, 25(8), 40–47, 2009. (EI收录)



1) 根叶互作调控下的牧草再生机制研究,中国水利水电出版社,2015年,主编.







1) 去叶多花黑麦草根再生消耗体内碳水化合物的测定方法(201110420442.8.) 王晓凌、王佳,  等,2013。

2) 测量多花黑麦草叶再生利用贮存碳水化合物的方法( 201110420458.9),王晓凌、王佳,  等,2013

3) 测定不同茬高多花黑麦草再生能力强弱的方法(201210463315.0),王晓凌、朱亚平,  等,2014。

4) 用玉米素核苷测定不同茬高多花黑麦草再生能力的方法(201210463316.5),王晓凌、朱亚平,  等,2014。

5)一种多花黑麦草组培快繁方法 (ZL201410005547.0) 王晓凌等




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